Registration Form Instructions:
- Download the PDF form below.
- Fill in the form digitally (Using Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer).
- Do NOT write in the "office use only" section.
- WAIT to sign, date, and initial UNTIL YOU ARRIVE (by hand, no e-signing).
Printing Instructions:
- Print DOUBLE-SIDED on WHITE (8.5" x 11") letter paper using BLACK INK only.
- Registration form MUST be printed with the rules on the backside of the SAME piece of paper. Taping, stapling, gluing, gum adhesion, etc. is NOT permitted. This is a legal requirement and it must be printed out and brought with you (and your tickets) to the campground to check in.
- If your printer does not automatically print double-sided, you will need to print one side and then feed it back through to print the other side.